Sunday, July 25, 2010

It's been rough

It's never a good thing when planes crash. It happens to be one of my biggest fears that I have yet to overcome.

I think, on average, we lose one every year.. and it sucks to say the least, but for the most part (which doesn't make it any less painful) we don't really know them. We have the occasional transient plane go down after getting fuel here and misjudging the distance to the next stop...and needless to say, they don't make it. It sucks, and it's always a sobering reminder to love those around you.

This year however, we've taken a hit to the heart. January we lost one of our daily mail planes off of Sand Point, AK. Ameer and Emily didn't make it.
That was my first crash and loss of a friend that I'd ever dealt with, and I spent weeks crying and freaking out every time Mike got called on a flight.
Eventually, I was able to get back to my daily tasks, and embrace my job and everything that goes along with it.
Earlier this month the Coast Guard crash off the coast of Washington state happened. We knew all 4 guys on board. 3 of them died in the crash. Once again, reality set in and I just had to keep on keepin' on. Eventually you find your groove again, but it never really escapes your thoughts.
Then, Friday happened. I got to work at 0700. I was sitting at my desk doing my morning routine, and listening to all the float plane traffic starting their morning. The weather was shitty for a July day, so we were in a special for weather. Between the morning phone calls, I just happened to be listening when I heard it...
"uh... 911 is reporting that witnesses have called in a plane below the tree line, that it went down in ward cove..."

My heart sank. I know these guys personally that were out flying. Everyone went into check mode and they located the aircraft. Everyone checked back to company, everyone except Josh.
The rest of the day is a blur. We lost him that day, and I think the whole town was affected, and even some of the manliest men I know, cried.

Ketchikan Pilot Killed In Crash

July 23, 2010

Ketchikan, Alaska - A Ketchikan pilot was killed in a float plane crash north of Ketchikan Friday morning. Josh Murdock, 38, was the sole occupant in a 1959 DeHavilland Beaver owned by Pacific Airways of Ketchikan that crashed at about 7:30 a.m.

jpg Ketchikan Pilot Killed In Crash

Josh Murdock, 38, was the sole occupant in a 1959 DeHavilland Beaver owned by Pacific Airways of Ketchikan that crashed at about 7:30 a.m. this morning.
Photo courtesy Alaska Department of Public Safety

Alaska State Troopers, North Tongass Volunteer Fire Department, U.S. Coast Guard and officers from the Ketchikan Police Department responded and located the plane.

Witnesses reported the plane clipped some trees, causing the plane to lose its right wing before crashing. The plane was found on a grassy knoll off of the Tongass Highway in the Ward Cove area. The plane was en route from Ketchikan to Thorne Bay when it crashed on the property of the old Ketchikan Pulp Mill's grassy knoll about seven miles north of Ketchikan.

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Photo courtesy Alaska Department of Public Safety

The Federal Aviation Administration, National Transportation Safety Board and State Medical Examiner's Office have been notified of the death. The NTSB will take over the investigation to determine the cause of the crash.

jpg crash

Photo courtesy Alaska Department of Public Safety

Source of News & Photographs:

Alaska Department of Public Safety

Today I tried to go flying after work. We made it as far as the mountains when it started to get a little bumpy. I broke down and started crying, asking Mike to take me back to the airport. I just couldn't do it, not yet.

One day I'll be able to move on, but I'll never get over it. It's been a rough year, and my job is taking it's toll on my heart and soul. I love it, but losing people I know just isn't what I signed up for.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dear Pilots;

I'm aware of the fact that you live on coffee and cheap food. I've noticed that this makes you have to go to the bathroom quite frequently. Remember that one time when you were rude to some poor girl at an FBO? Well all these 'one times' add up to a full day of rude people. I have now solved that problem- please take notice of the toilet paper dispenser in the restroom, for it has been loaded in such a way that when you go to grab some TP, you can only pull off one square at a time.
You're welcome.

The FBO girl.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A glimpse of summer

It's been beautiful here in KTN the last few days. What happens when it's not pissing sideways rain? The planes start droppin in, and I get busy! Very very busy.

So busy, that I started this post over a month ago and I'm just now getting to it!

So we all know how much I love my job. No, that isn't me being a sarcastic asshat; I really do love it. I get so busy, and it's high stress, which I apparently handle quite well. Some of the others around here get all flustered and look like they want to cry half the time, but me? Oh baby, bring it on.
Take this morning for example. It's almost noon as I write this, and I've been here since 0630 this morning. I've made 12 pots of coffee, and billed out 11 fuelings/planes. I've handled and received freight, worked up 4 airway bills, entered 3 trucks of Jet A, and also made 4 more reservations for jets coming in this summer. I've made hotel reservations, car reservations, and even set up a fishing charter for one crew. To some, it looks as though I've been running around the office like a chicken with my head cut off...but to me, I live for this shit. :) I can't wait until Saturday; 12 pistons, a global express, 2 lear 45's, a G5 PLUS our regular daily Alaska Airlines planes, and ACE. Some people think I'm crazy for wanting to work that day. It's even my day off, but I switched with one of the gals just so that I can partake in the crazies.
Bring on the summer, and bring on the planes!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

FAA says "Drugs OK!"

So recently the FAA decided that it is now okay for pilots to take certain antidepressants and still fly airplanes....
Of course, they have to come clean about being depressed, and can't fly for a few months while the FAA scours their medical records and deems them safe to fly. (could take up to 6 months)
Yeah. Right. Like anyone in their right mind is going to "come clean" and lose their job in this economy for 6 effin months just so some guy can say, "ok buddy...Prozac is a good choice for you, and you can have your job back".

Personally, this is just about the dumbest thing that I have ever heard of. First of all, the FAA is a bunch of people making rules and regulations about flying airplanes, and I highly doubt that any of them (who actually come up with these rules) have ever flown a plane. It's like the blind leading the deaf.

I feel bad for the pilots who have been lying about their depression and use of antidepressants just to keep their jobs! I think half the world is on Prozac, and fuck...I'm pretty sure the other half should be; life might be a bit easier if the world up'd their serotonin levels. (then again, a natural remedy to this would be to just have sex...but there are obviously people out there that this would be just too damn hard to accomplish, so they may need a little happy pill)

But in the end, this is just another one of those things where some moron who was suicidal and happened to have his pilots license ruined it for everyone else. The way I see it, it's no different that if someone decided to use their car to run themselves into a brick wall and took out a few other people in the process. Does that mean that DOT should make a law that says, "oh...if you take this medication, you can't drive a car until WE check you out! Who gives a rats ass about your job and family that you have to support!"

Sounds stupid right? Well that's exactly what their doing to pilots.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's a new day

We have an unfortunate saying around my office; "It's a new day."
Basically, if you hear that, I'm sorry to tell you, but it means that you my friend, are a complete idiot..

We say that because no matter how long some of the ramp agents have worked here, it's like every single day seems to be like their first day on the job. No common sense, no work ethic, and pure lack of any type of light bulb moments.

Now, I'm really not one for name calling, but I just can't really help this one. My philosophy is that you are here to work. If you don't want to work, then go the fuck home and don't' waste my day. I am growing ever so tired of telling people the same damn thing over and over, every day.
Yes, ACE is with prist. Just like it has been EVERY DAY SINCE THEY FIRST STARTED LANDING HERE FOR FUEL. Yes, Empire is with prist , ALWAYS. As with Guardian, and the Coast Guard Helicopters. It's one of those light bulb moments I was talking about. Seriously.
If you don't want to fuel an aircraft because it's pissing sideways rain? GO HOME. We live in Southeast Alaska, it rains all day, everyday. If you are afraid that you are going to melt, please let me explain that your body is in fact made up of 45-75% water (depending on how fat you are)- you are NOT made out of sugar! So put your big girl panties on, and go do your JOB, which is FUELING AIRCRAFT. Because for me; it is NOT a new day.

Another thing, if I tell you to go sump, or fuel, or park a plane, it's because it needs to be done and you are the only ramp agent standing there with a lost look on your face. I will assume that you are looking for something to do..and I will give you something to do. Do not in response to my request, start throwing a temper tantrum like my 4 yr old. Also, screaming that you don't have to listen to me because I am not your "mom", "girlfriend", or "boss" doesn't help the fact that I truly don't give a rats ass. I dispatch you, period. And oh by the way, I come to work to get away from my children, not babysit you and tell you how to do your job.

It's a new day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cut to the chase

I'll just come out with it. Yeah, I'm dating a pilot, and yes, it's probably against company policy to do so...but I haven't really looked. I think somewhere in the 'code of ethics' it says we are not allowed to fraternize with customers/crew/pilots. Of course, this is also the same company policy that says in my job description that I am required on a regular basis to "finger, and handle" upon request. Take that last part how you want.... we all know I did.

Of course, I would like to clarify that I'm not dating him because he's a pilot. I'm dating him because I love him. I'm 100% confidant that I would still be with him even if he was unemployed.

Now, since I work with pilots all damn day long, I get a LOT of grief over this part of my personal life. It isn't like as soon as someone walks in the door I'm like, "I'm dating a pilot!" Uh, no... Opposite really... but like I've mentioned before, I spend hours with the same guys every day. It just gets out.
In all actuality, sometimes it bothers me that he's a pilot. It definitely isn't a 'safe' job by any means, and it doesn't help that he recently gave me a book on flight physiology... and oh by the way, when I asked him if he'd ever taken an altitude chamber ride, the convo turned into how the learjet is notorious for pressurization issues. Yeah, great. Super. So, not only do I get freaked out that he's going to become hypoxic and crash into the side of the mountains, I also get to worry that the lear is just going to *pop* and he has like a minute and thirty seconds to drop it down to a lower altitude... which to me, isn't really feasible, considering that if he's going along at 38,000ft he's going to be unconscious in 12 seconds. great.

Rumor of the century; Pilots are whores.
Nah... not really. Most of them are actually really great guys. Besides, he isn't gone long enough to have an affair, so I don't need to worry about it.

I wonder if it's like a pilot fantasy to date an FBO girl...
Case in point; This is a website dedicated to finding those 'hotties' and for pilots to post pictures of them. Might I also add, that yes, my boyfriend HAS in fact submitted a 'hottie' to this website. (and no, it wasn't me)

Well if it is a fantasy.... he's livin' the dream.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Freight Forwarders

So, not only do we provide services to private aircraft, but we also currently hold the mail contract for ASA. Which means that we take the mail off of the plane, sort it and then deliver it to the post office. Fun. Fun.
We are also one of the few FBO's that pick up and deliver freight. Daily we turn ACE, and two Empire's. (a FedEx feeder)
People get on my nerves when it comes to freight. One reason being that they have NO IDEA where we are located! We are on an island in Alaska. Located at the airport, which is on a different island than the city of Ketchikan, where all the freight is going to be delivered to. I get phone calls daily of freight forwarders needing proof of deliveries for this, that, and the other... and they get all pissed off at ME if I don't have that information. Why don't I have it? I explain that the driver is still 'on the other side' and is waiting for the ferry to come back to the airport.

Here's where my fun starts.

FF: "what do you mean a ferry? My freight is going to Ketchikan"
ME: "yes, I understand that, but Ketchikan is not located at the airport"
FF: "yes it is. I sent it counter to counter to Ketchikan International Airport"
ME: "yes, but Ketchikan is located on Rivillagiggedo island, Ketchikan International Airport is located on Gravina island. They are separated by the Tongass Narrows, therefore we have to take a ferry which leaves every half hour to the other side."
FF: "well that isn't on any of my information, my customer is going to be very upset, maybe next time we will just have to call ASA and have them deliver it since it takes you so long"

At this point, I'm just like, Okay, have fun with that and hang up. Why? Because like I already said, ASA contracts US to deliver the freight. Plus, even if they delivered it themselves- they would still have to take the ferry. *insert evil laugh*

Another thing that irritates me is the FF's that know everything. Case in point; a lady calls me one day regarding her shipment that *has* to be delivered no later than 10am. She wants to know the status of said shipment. I politely tell her that due to the weather, I have not seen an aircraft land at our airport thus far.. she then calls me a liar. *dropped jaw in pure shock* Excuse me? She then proceeds to go into great detail about how she is looking at the weather report, and it says that KTN is 10mi and clear. I inform her that I am sitting at my desk which is 500ft to the runway, with a big huge orange barricade not more than 10ft from my window, and the fog is to thick and low, that I can't even see the barricade. The website lied to you lady...
She begins her tirade of trying to convince me that she is not stupid, and she knows how to read, and is looking at the website *right now while we speak* I ask her to tell me the time that it says.. starts with the date and then 4 numbers, ends with a Z. Yeah, 1443z would mean that *that* forecast was at 543am. It was now 943am. It hadn't been updated, and there were no pilot reports because NO ONE HAS EVEN ATTEMPTED TO LAND.
She hung up on me, because I was being rude.

Not all freight forwarders are rude and obnoxious... there are a few that I really enjoy talking to on a daily basis. Like the guy who calls me 'hunny buns'... yeah, he's a nice guy. Really sweet to talk to. (could do without the pet names though) Or another guy that tells me a joke just to make me laugh every time he calls, which of course, are ALWAYS off color, and crude, but I still laugh. There was also this one gal from a company in SEA who was hilarious! She would talk and talk and talk about her life and what was going on with her boy toy of the month. I really miss her, I always wondered why they fired her....

Well, that's Freight Forwarders in a nutshell.

Monday, February 1, 2010

FBO Life

I work at an FBO. Those in GA know what that is... those who don't know what GA stands for: this blog is for you.

An FBO is a Fixed Base Operator. We are the little people you see running around at the airport ramp, fueling your plane. We do catering, reservations, car rentals, set up charters, buy alcohol, stock your plane (private) and much more. We are not TSA. Matter of fact; we don't even like TSA. (and oh by the way, GA stands for general aviation)

I spend 40-60hrs a week being someones bitch. Really. That's just what I do. I'm not a ramp agent, I work in the office- behind the scenes in a completely thankless job. Call it Customer Service, but I call it being someones bitch. I like to think of my boss as my pimp. Why you ask? That's easy, she whores out my smile and my people skills, and I get paid shit, while she just rakes it all in. I am painfully pleasant. I've been told I fart rainbows. When I answer the phone, it isn't "how can I help you" it is "how MAY I help you"... that's right, it brings me great joy to do whatever you wish, and for me to know EVERYTHING, and give you the instant gratification of answering your questions and not transferring you to someone else. Plain and simple,

I am surrounded by pilots, all day long. Which I think would be every girls dream...but it really isn't. They are like children; needy, whiny adult children that aren't even mine. I spend hours with these guys, I know their lives, stories, and they know mine. I guess I kinda like them (even if they do drop popcorn all over the floor which I have to pick up later) All jokes aside, I've been here for about 2 years now and have had the opportunity to meet some amazing people. I've also had the unfortunate fate of losing a few. Just last week was the first time that I've personally had to deal with the loss of a pilot who I considered a good friend. (and that will be a whole other blog)

This blog is going to be all about my life working at an FBO. The stories can range from the funniest thing you'll read, down to the saddest thing you'll read. All in all, this is my life, and I love it.