Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's a new day

We have an unfortunate saying around my office; "It's a new day."
Basically, if you hear that, I'm sorry to tell you, but it means that you my friend, are a complete idiot..

We say that because no matter how long some of the ramp agents have worked here, it's like every single day seems to be like their first day on the job. No common sense, no work ethic, and pure lack of any type of light bulb moments.

Now, I'm really not one for name calling, but I just can't really help this one. My philosophy is that you are here to work. If you don't want to work, then go the fuck home and don't' waste my day. I am growing ever so tired of telling people the same damn thing over and over, every day.
Yes, ACE is with prist. Just like it has been EVERY DAY SINCE THEY FIRST STARTED LANDING HERE FOR FUEL. Yes, Empire is with prist , ALWAYS. As with Guardian, and the Coast Guard Helicopters. It's one of those light bulb moments I was talking about. Seriously.
If you don't want to fuel an aircraft because it's pissing sideways rain? GO HOME. We live in Southeast Alaska, it rains all day, everyday. If you are afraid that you are going to melt, please let me explain that your body is in fact made up of 45-75% water (depending on how fat you are)- you are NOT made out of sugar! So put your big girl panties on, and go do your JOB, which is FUELING AIRCRAFT. Because for me; it is NOT a new day.

Another thing, if I tell you to go sump, or fuel, or park a plane, it's because it needs to be done and you are the only ramp agent standing there with a lost look on your face. I will assume that you are looking for something to do..and I will give you something to do. Do not in response to my request, start throwing a temper tantrum like my 4 yr old. Also, screaming that you don't have to listen to me because I am not your "mom", "girlfriend", or "boss" doesn't help the fact that I truly don't give a rats ass. I dispatch you, period. And oh by the way, I come to work to get away from my children, not babysit you and tell you how to do your job.

It's a new day.

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