Monday, February 1, 2010

FBO Life

I work at an FBO. Those in GA know what that is... those who don't know what GA stands for: this blog is for you.

An FBO is a Fixed Base Operator. We are the little people you see running around at the airport ramp, fueling your plane. We do catering, reservations, car rentals, set up charters, buy alcohol, stock your plane (private) and much more. We are not TSA. Matter of fact; we don't even like TSA. (and oh by the way, GA stands for general aviation)

I spend 40-60hrs a week being someones bitch. Really. That's just what I do. I'm not a ramp agent, I work in the office- behind the scenes in a completely thankless job. Call it Customer Service, but I call it being someones bitch. I like to think of my boss as my pimp. Why you ask? That's easy, she whores out my smile and my people skills, and I get paid shit, while she just rakes it all in. I am painfully pleasant. I've been told I fart rainbows. When I answer the phone, it isn't "how can I help you" it is "how MAY I help you"... that's right, it brings me great joy to do whatever you wish, and for me to know EVERYTHING, and give you the instant gratification of answering your questions and not transferring you to someone else. Plain and simple,

I am surrounded by pilots, all day long. Which I think would be every girls dream...but it really isn't. They are like children; needy, whiny adult children that aren't even mine. I spend hours with these guys, I know their lives, stories, and they know mine. I guess I kinda like them (even if they do drop popcorn all over the floor which I have to pick up later) All jokes aside, I've been here for about 2 years now and have had the opportunity to meet some amazing people. I've also had the unfortunate fate of losing a few. Just last week was the first time that I've personally had to deal with the loss of a pilot who I considered a good friend. (and that will be a whole other blog)

This blog is going to be all about my life working at an FBO. The stories can range from the funniest thing you'll read, down to the saddest thing you'll read. All in all, this is my life, and I love it.

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